The curse of Unownking
What are Unowns? What is this strange signal you can capture on the radio in the Alpha Ruins? Have them any role in the game? Is it true the rumor of King Unown?This came to me last Christmas:Would be around 11 pm on Christmas Eve. My parents were not at home, and would not return until the next day, they were partying at my grandparents. Normally I would have gone, but I was sick.So there I was, alone in my house, with 37ºC of fever, watching TV, when suddenly the doorbell rang . I
went to see who was not expecting any visitors, and I knew that my
parents could not be, because the house of my grandparents is an hour
and a half from where I live, and they had called to tell me that already
had arrived a quarter of an hour ago. I looked through the peephole to see who it was, but there was nobody. I figured it would be a prankster drunk, you know, on the night of Christmas Eve ... I opened the door to shout him, but when I opened the door I found a package on the landing. Yeah! It
seemed that Santa Claus had come forward this year, I don't know who had rang to the door, but at the time I thought was a very generous person, but
unfortunately for me, my disappointment came quickly. I put the package in my house and Habri. Inside it was an envelope on which was written: Keep it, I do not want it anymore. and a copy of Pokemon Silver, the original. At
the time I thought that was great, because I had good memories of that
game, and the mine had the internal battery broken, making it impossible to
save. I took my old Gameboy Advance SP and began my flawed. But before I opened the envelope to see what was inside. There was a note with instructions. Still
to this day I keep it along with the game, and it says: Hello, if you
are reading this is because you have my game, and as I've already given
you, I ask you please proceed until that point I say in this letter, then you can play freely.Well, since you've given me, I thought, what least I can do for you? I read on: 1 Do not start new game, and continue which saved mine. I
have captured the three legendary dogs, and I was given the GSBALL from Kurt , so when you go to talk to him you can capture Celebi. I have caught 248 Pokémon, Celebi besides, missing me Lugia and Ho-oh, please catch them and complete the Pokédex. Fuck! What luck! I had served in virtually everything tray. The truth is that I was excited to complete the Pokédex, so I got to it. Continue the game had already started its former owner and started to check their data. The
name of the coach was Susej, a little strange for the name of the
coach, but I will tell you later what it means, if you haven't noticed by
yourselves. My
team consisted of Houndoom, Lapras and Slowbro at levels 66, 32 and 63
respectively, and a Sandshrew, an Abra and a Pidgey of very low levels,
which surely had to use the MO. He had 16 medals and money at the limit. Playing
time 662:50 or so (it made me think that the previous owner was a foul)
and marked Pokégear about 11:50 PM on Saturday, the same time and day
of the week in which I was playing. At that time I thought that just coincidence. Once known my stats, I started playing. First I captured Celebi, since the very beginning I was in Azalea Town, and was the closest I had left. I
did the whole process, I went to talk to Caesar, I received GSBALL,
then went to the oak, deposited it on the Monument to the Guardian of the Forest, and began the battle with Celebi. I was thrilled to capture it, because without a special event you can not get it. I
captured after a while, when I got tired of throwing normal pokeballs
and threw a masterball (I had 3), and the message appeared saying
that he had been transferred to PC Bill, to Pandora's box. Pandora's box? I figured it would be a joke. For
those who do not know, Pandora's Box is a myth, I think Greek, which
says that if it is opened, would realase her demons and stuff like that, and the human
race would be doomed. Without
giving too much importance, since the name of the boxes could be
changed, I went and caught the other two legendary that I needed. It was easy, as I said before, I had the necessary masterballs. Once captured all legendary, and thus complete the Pokédex, kept reading the instructions I gave the former owner: 2 º Now you've captured all the legendary, make the following team: Mew, Celebi, Ho-oh, Lugia, Suicune and Moltres. Wait for the dial Pokégear 3 am to make the next step. It was one o'clock AM in the game, and marked the same time as it really was, I had to stay awake until three also. I did not care, I had a good time playing that game. Iwent to talk with Oak, to see what he said about the Pokédex, went to Celadon
City to get the diploma certifying that he had completed the Pokédex, I beat
Red, and and take a look at the other boxes. He had captured even 4 MissingNo.! I kept fooling well until I realized that it was 2:45 AM. So I read the following passage: 3 When it'll be 3:00 a.m. go to Alfa Ruins, enters the main chamber, and go to the last statue there following the hallway down. In front of it put the Unown Radio, and talk to it. So
I did, I went the Alpha Ruins, took the Magnetotren, because I
was in Kanto, and from Goldenrod City I walked to my destination, because I had
plenty of time. When I finally arrived, it was 2:58, so I was 2 minutes waiting in front of the statue, and put the Unown Radio. That noise made me quite nervous.When finally the Pokégear marked 3 am, I talked to the statue. It made the sound of a Pokemon, but none that I knew. And began to leave text boxes: Mew, is gone. and the cry of Mew. Celebi is gone. And his cry, and so on until all Pokémon of my team were named . And finally came another text box: The sacrifice of your Team has allowed the release of The King Unown.When
I closed the text box the screen went black for about 2 seconds, and
then appeared a page in the Pokédex, Unownking, that said something
like this: This ferocious beast can sleep for centuries, and when he
wakes kills whatever it takes to feed. He had no number. And their cry was that had sounded before. It
was dark blue as the Unown, but his form seemed to them only in the
head that had 3 spikes, as if it were a crown, and a single eye. Unlike Unown, it had body, legs and arms ending in claws, stained red, I suppose it could be blood.
When I closed the Pokédex, I appeared again where I've found Unownking , and another message appeared, saying: You have released the Beast. When I closed it, the game automatically saved. So I had exactly 666 play time hours! I checked my team, but now I hadn't got any Pokémon.
The game began to get me feel nervous. I left the chamber and went to Violet City, to pick some Pokémon from Bill's PC. During
the journey to the city I noticed something strange, in addition to
the Unown radio music was still playing, but I just
realized when I entered in the Pokémon centre. There was no one! Sprites were gone! When I looked inside the PC I found that of the 20 boxes virtually full, now there were only two Pokémon in Pandora's Box. A level 20 Staryu and Sandshrew I left there before. I did not know what was going on, so I wandered around Jotho. There was no sprite in any city or route, not even in the houses.I read the following step from the article:4 Wait the call. The call? from Who? I did not know who I had to call, so I opened the Pokégear, and looked the phone numbers I had. I had registred Elm and my mother. I called Elm, but appeared a message saying: It seems he doesn't answer ... And when I called my mother, she said the usual text.
It was 3:30 and still no one had called me. I had traveled around all Jotho, and there wasn't any person, not even Pokémon in the grass. Finally, the call came. It was my mother,' she said: Son! please come home fas...'' sounded the cry of King Unown and the the call ended.
Whith fever and dream, I was beginning to feel sick, but I wanted to know what happened, and then I knew where to go. In my house there was no one, but upstairs there was a note on the wall, I read it. It said: 5th and last: Go see Oak. Before left home I looked in Spring Village, to see if there was someone, but as I feared, there was nobody. Any sprite around Jotho.
I knew I had to go to Kanto, but couldn't get the Ferry or
Magnetotren, then I realized why I have just those 2 pokemon, to go surfing
to Kanto. But before going to see Oak, I walked around Kanto to see if there were anyone. Just seemed to be Mr Fuji in Lavender Town, I talked to him, and said: I am very busy lately. That's
when I realized what was happening: Unownking had killed all the
people and Pokémon in the game, as its Pokédex page said. After talking, probably, to the last person in the game, I went to Pallet Town. I had no Fly, but neither was Pokémon in the grass or water, so I didn't be long in arrive there. There was noone, not in the Red's House, nor Blue's House. I entered in the laboratory of Oak. As I expected there wasn't a person sprite, but where normally is Professor Oak, was an Unown sprite. I figured what I had to do, so I put my sprite in front of it and pressed A. Unownking's cry souned and the battle against it started. It was at level 100, and equipped with leftovers. It finished soon with my Pokémon, but when he weakened the last of my Pokémon, the trainer continued the battle. I was at level 10, I knew I was not going to do anything against this beast. I
thought about turning off the console, but then thought better, I wanted to know how it would end, maybe it would never
happen to me again. Overall, it was a game what could happen to me?
My trainer only knew struggle, but I couldn't use it because Unownking attacked first. It used bite, and my trainer weakened. A message saying ''suseJ has died'' appeadred. The
screen went black for a few seconds, and then a sprite of a man
dressed in black, as Professor Oak is shown at the beginning of the game. He said: suseJ! You have released the beast and sentenced to the human race. I couldn't have done it without you. Then the screen went black, and after a minute, normal intro started playing with Lugia flying in the blue sky. I couldn't countinue the game saved, only start a new game.
It was 4:30 AM, so I turned off the console and tried to sleep. I was sick and tired. That night I dreamed I was the King Unown, and was wandering the world looking for my next victim. Do
not know if this was a morbid joke, or really had a ''supernatural
origin'', I only do know I spent a month without stopping to think
about it and every time I think about it makes my creeps, and even occasionally I have nightmares about it. If
it was a joke (I hope it) I think it was a joke of a satanic: The 3
am the time of Lucifer, 666 hours of gameplay, suseJ is Jesus backwards, not to mention the releasing of the Beast. I am sure of one thing, have played that game has left me scarred for life.
também espero que fosse apenas uma piada
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